We are far from being perfect, but to be a bit greener every day, every step is important. 
You can follow our steps with some of the few actions we've set up this year on  Bio360.

It's your turn ! 

Think about carpooling 

You haven't booked your transport to come to Bio360 Expo yet or you've got free seats in your car ?
Click here to post or view carpooling adverts reduce your carbon footprint and start networking from home ! 

Calculate your carbon footprint

Calculate the carbon footprint of your trip from your home all the way to the exhibition thanks to this calculator

Contribution to CO2 neutrality

We have decided to contribute to the environmental projects supported by the GoodPlanet Foundation. After calculating your emissions, you can contribute to crabon neutrality by supporting projets here

Less plastic 

Remember to take your personal water bottle. There will be a water point at your disposal in the hall to fill your own bottle and avoid plastic bottles.  


Bio360 is an event undergoing certification by the REEVE (Réseau éco-événement) association, which has been running the eco-committed event label since 2019.