Conference List

From 05/02/2025 to 06/02/2025
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Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : BioHorizons

10:00  Using AI to prevent foaming in digesters, Green Data Science - Philippe Breuils
10:20  Anaerobic Digestion, a sustainable and local solution for local players, CVE - Etienne Joubert
10:40  On Farm Anaerobic Digestions and Methane Capture, IFEAA - Penny Atkins

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass

10:00  ADEME's ‘EnR choix’ approach or how to optimise wood energy projects, CIVAM 44 - Clément Arnac, Ademe Pays de la Loire - Romain Lavielle, CIBE - Elodie Payen
10:45  Transposition of the European ‘RED II & III’ directives, CIBE - Clarisse Fischer

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas

Introduction: presentation of speakers & topics, ATEE Club Biogaz - Luc Budin
Biomethane Feed-in Tariff, GRDF - Pascal Garçon
Definitions of BPA and CPB, ATEE Club Biogaz - Raphaël Boukobza
Producer testimony on BPA and CPB, Methagora - Florent Thouminot
End of contract under the Cogeneration Feed-in Tariff, ATEE Club Biogaz - Raphaël Boukobza
How are farmers preparing for the end of their contracts? AAMF Association des Agriculteurs Méthaniseurs de France - Adrien Dain
Financing point of view on all biomethane sales formulas, Banque Populaire Grand Ouest - Vincent Cucheval
The place of RED certification in every mechanism, France Gaz Renouvelable - Cécile Frédéricq

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas

As a solution for the local production of biomethane and low-carbon gas, pyrogasification for injection into gas networks is an integral part of local ecosystems. In addition to its virtuous characteristics for the environment, which contribute to a number of critical societal issues that need to be addressed today, pyrogasification helps to strengthen the energy autonomy of local areas and contributes to the decarbonisation of industry, mobility (heavy goods or passenger transport) and construction.

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biochar

10:00  Financing Biochar: Insights, Strategies, and Industry PerspectivesKumo Labs - Robin Klemens
10:20  Overcoming Biochar Challenges: Experiences from the Field, ACCEND - Paul Ferguson
10:40  Approaches and Experiences in Financing Mechanisms & Biochar Project Development, Pyreg - Jan Cihlar
11:00  Navigating Pyrolysis Investment: Essential Criteria and Due Diligence Insights, Ramboll - Maria Puig-Arnavat 

11:20  break

11:30  Funding a real life biochar transition story, Arigna Group - Conor Layden
11:50  Supporting biochar: the key role of public funding, Accelium Conseil - Clément Barbier, Termovia - Jean-Christophe Leger
12:10  Challenges in deploying GGR demonstrator projects, Ricardo - Joshua Dalby
12:30  Debate & Open to the floor

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Circulaire/Circular

10:30  Innovative and modular solutions for the production of sustainable fuels, Khimod - Nicolas Serre
10:50  , IMT Atlantique - Sary Awad
11:10  Unique non-fossil carbon contribution to SAF production, Haffner Energy - Marcella Franchi
11:30  IBN-SPK, an innovative technology for producing Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Global Bioénergies - Marc Delcourt
11:50  Debate and Open to the floor

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : BioHorizons

11:00  , The Waste Transformers - Coen Bakker
11:20  A distributed approach of biogas-to-energy for farmers, CAGE Technologies - Michael Willemot
11:40  , Green Creative

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass

11:30  , CCI Pays de la Loire - Marie Julien-Laferriere
11:40  How can you decarbonise your business? ADEME can help, ADEME
12:00  Biochar and Mini Green Power Plants: local solutions for a low-carbon industry - Review of a journey seeded with changes and rebounds, Mini Green Power - Jean Riondel
12:15  Public funding: an essential lever for decarbonising industry, Accelium Conseil - Clément Barbier
12:25  , Kyotherm - Jean Baron
12:35  Debate / Open to the floor

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas

11:45  Biochar and methanisation: experimental study and geospatial analysis in Brittany, UniLaSalle Rennes - Hayet Djelal
12:05  Biochar et biogas - a winning combination, Carbogenics - David Vaughan
12:25  CH4R Project: a Tuscany experience in the integration of biochar and anaerobic digestion, RE-CORD - David Casini
12:45  Debate and open to the floor

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas

Frédéric Martin, Chairman of France Gaz, and Gregory Lannou, Director of Biogaz Vallée, will be unveiling the results of the Renewable Gas Business Barometer, accompanied by testimonials from companies. This barometer highlights the economic and industrial dynamics of renewable and low-carbon gases in France.
To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the gas mix will be entirely decarbonised, thanks to innovative technologies such as methanisation, pyrogasification, hydrothermal gasification and power-to-methane. These advances are being driven by major international groups as well as a growing network of start-ups and local SMEs.
In recent years, French players ranging from design offices to equipment manufacturers have contributed to the growth of this sector. The barometer enables us to measure this dynamic accurately, by providing relevant indicators on the development of this local industrial fabric.

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass

In addition to the use of injected biomethane, direct usage gasification enables the decarbonisation of certain industrial processes that require high-temperature heat when electrification is not compatible.
Direct usage gasification projects are based on local biomass or non-biogenic waste input sources close to industrial sites, thereby helping to set up circular economy circuits.

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biochar

Giuseppe Gagliano, 17 Tons
- circular bioeconomy projects and the role of biochar
- the complexity of supply chains, traceability, and the use of monitoring technologies and AI for carbon credit generation

Andrea Salimbeni, RE-CORD
- biochar as a substitute for fossil carbon in industrial processes, including: electric arc furnaces, sintering, chemical industry and non-ferrous alloy production

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas

14:00  European digestate regulations, Ramboll - Manuel Ortiz
14:35  Study on deconditioning and control, ADEME and Moulinot - Thierry Rolland and Edouard Van Heeswyck
15:00  Methabiosol, impact of digestates on the biological fertility of soils, Pays de la Loire Agricultural Chamber - Virginie Riou

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas

AMI Hydrothermal Gasification: A 1st step towards the industrialisation of the technology
Room: Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas
A year ago, the initiative to launch a Call for Expressions of Interest (AMI) dedicated to Hydrothermal Gasification (GH) was presented for the first time at the BIO360 2024 trade fair.

NaTran offered to lead this AMI GH and subsequently obtained the support of the New Energy Systems Strategic Committee (CSF NSE), which included it in its new industry contract (2024-2026). The AMI finally ran from September to October 2024. It attracted a great deal of interest, with 24 projects identified, spread across the whole of Metropolitan France. These projects could potentially enable the annual recovery of 1.25 million tonnes of waste, mainly from industrial activities (especially the food and chemical industries) but also from urban and agricultural activities. Its injectable gas production capacity has been estimated at 2 TWh/year.

The content of this first conference is designed to share the main results of the AMI GH with the public, and to hear from the many participants and supporters represented by project developers, consultancies and two technology developers. It will attempt to define the next steps towards the industrialisation of the technology, and to associate the support mechanisms that the players in the GH sector need in order to bring the first industrial projects to fruition in France by 2027.

Conference: Presentation of the results of the AMI GH (2pm to 3.30pm, Renewable Gases Room)

14:00 The results of the AMI GH confirm the diversity of sectors interested in GH and the initial potential for significant gas production in France.

Robert MUHLKE, Leader of the GT GH and Head of GH, NaTran
Audrey BERGERON, Manager, Yélé Consulting
Simon CARRALOU, Co-Pilot of the Innovation sub-WG, CSF NSE (Biogas WG)

14:20 Q&A

14h30 Testimonials from AMI GH participants

Industrial sector :
Anne MORELIERE, Research Engineer, Arkema
Frédéric MARTEL, Industrial Development Director, Cristal Union
Virginie Vinel Kolovos, Business development consultant, TreaTech (CH)
Sofiane ZALOUK, R&D Manager, LEROUX ET LOTZ Technologies
Urban and agricultural sectors :
Franck LE PROVOST, Managing Director, Loudéac communauté Bretagne Centre + Joël TANGUY, Chairman, NEVEZUS
CACPL (Greater Cannes area) represented by Anthony KERIHUEL, Chairman, S3D
Noémi HILAIREAU, R&D Service Centre Manager, PRODEVAL (agricultural sector project)

15h20 Q&A

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : BioHorizons

14:00  Biogenic CO₂  certification and the creation of a harmonised European market, ERGaR - Valentin Calfa
14:20  Draft update of the Guide to pipelines for transporting bioCO₂ , ATEE - Emeline Ghigo
14:30  CO transport networks to massify BECCU, NaTran - Laurent Muzart
14:50  Biogenic CO₂ : From AD to cryogenic cleaning, a cross-section of experiences, Verdemobil, Atalian et Cryonomic - Carole Couhert, Damien Deste and Stephane Travers
15:15  Virtuous usages of biogenic CO₂ Clarke Energy - Vincent Ringuenet
15:35  Valorization of biogenic CO in mineral waste streams, Neustark - Elena Esser
15:55 Aggregation, a role to play in CO recovery, Altens - Etienne Valtel

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Circulaire/Circular

14:00  SAF Production pathways - A Portfolio of Industrial Solution, IFPEN - Julien Grandjean
14:20  , Lanzajet - Mohamed El-Akroute
14:40  Unlocking sustainable biofuels: The power of Gasification technology, Sumitomo - Frank Ligthart
15:00  Direct Hydrogenation of CO₂ into Liquid Hydrocarbons (SAF Production),CEA Liten - Antoinette Maarawi Chidraoui
15:20  , Boson Energy - Heike Carl Zatterstrom
15:40  Debate and Open to the floor

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass

15:00  Decarbonization of high temperature energy with solid biofuels, Navitech Western Europe - Samuel Charmillot
15:20  Innovative Vision for a Sustainable Future, Berkes / Idex - Steven Bimson and Xavier Renault
15:45  Biomass opportunities to decarbonise the construction industry, Ricardo - Josh Dalby

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biochar

Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR) potential in the Global South is enormous given plant growth rates in the tropics. That potential is now beginning to be realized as the world’s largest biochar facility is in Bolivia with many new and planned production facilities coming on-line across Latin America, Africa and Asia. In addition to its climate benefits, tropical soils can benefit substantially from the additional of biochar as soils in many parts of the Global South are often depleted

15:00  Panel one will highlight the insights of six/seven biochar producers that are converting agricultural and wood residues into biochar at industrial scale.
The Panelists
Mash Makes (dk/in) : Rohit Nagargoje
ReyCoal (de/ke) : Johannes Kern
NetZero (fr) : Axel Reinaud
ARTi (us) : Lissete Davila
Ankur Scientific (in) : Ankur Jain

16:30  break

Panel two will include stakeholders in the biochar industry that are facilitating scaling in the Global South. Carbon markets are a key driver to enabling economically sustainable biochar production and contain a growing variety of service providers including companies that develop and ensure biochar quality standards, crediting standards and registries, digital management, reporting and verification providers, consultants assisting companies to commence biochar production and verification of its impacts on greenhouse gas emissions and, critically, investors willing to structure appropriate financing to support biochar production.
The Panelists
Carbonfuture (de) : Marcel Eichler
Puro.Earth (fi) : Julien Jacob
Big Valley GmbH (de): William Howe
Oiko Credit (lu) : Beryl van Andel
DSS+ Consulting (us) : Merce Domenech
Carbon Standards International (ch) : Dominic Hafner

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas

15:30  Review of the 2024 AAPs, testimony from a winner and the 2025 AAP programme, GRDF - Bérangère Poisson
15:50  AI-Enabled Biogas Project Optimization, Sourcing, Assessment and Optimization, Anessa - Farough Motasemi 
16:10  Métha-HYn: Increasing methane production from methanisation sites by dark fermentation and in-situ biological methanation, APESA - Christine Peyrelasse
16:30  ALLIANCE, development project of the world's 1st production line for biomethane scrubbers and bioCO2 liquefiers, Prodeval & INSA Lyon - Antoine Clerc and Taha Arbaoui

16:50  pause

17:00  Development of a non-intrusive acoustic sensor to detect abnormal openings of digester safety valves, CH4 Process - Maxime Brissaud
17:20  The Life Stream Project : Conversion of low energy green waste into high added value biofuels, Valmet - Mattias Erixon
17:40  Combining methanisation and bioplastics production, Dionymer - Thomas Hennebel

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas

Just as the Hydrothermal Gasification Call for Expressions of Interest (AMI GH) in 2024 energised the French players interested in the emergence of this industrial sector in France, so the French and European developers of the technology have not been idle in the development of their technologies either. This second GH conference, on the afternoon of 5 February, aims to give you as up-to-date a picture as possible of the level of progress made by Europe's leading technology developers. You will also learn about the latest developments in their various current and future projects, including their prototype, pilot, demonstrator and first industrial projects, as well as their technical and commercial roll-out.

Conference: Technological advances by leading GH developers in France and Europe

16:00 Introduction

Robert MUHLKE, Pilot, GT GH and Head of GH, GRTgaz

16.05 News from the main GH developers who are working towards the industrialisation of the technology by 2027

Progress in the lifting of GH brick locks (CEA - LITEN/ GRDF): 15 min
Removal of the lock on high-pressure injection of WWTP sludge and commissioning of a new salt separator prototype
Sébastien QUENARD, Technical Project Manager, CEA LITEN + Matthieu CHANIOLLEAU, New Gas Project Manager, GRDF

Progress in the development of prototypes, pilots and demonstrators at French and European private developers: 40 min
Sofiane ZALOUK, R&D Manager, LEROUX ET LOTZ Technologies
Gaël PENG, CTO, TreaTech (CH)
José BAUTISTA, Process Senior Consultant, CADE (E)

Progress towards initial industrial deployment of the technology (SCW Systems): 15 min
Wout DE GROOT, Director Business Development, SCW Systems (NL)

17h15 Q&A

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : BioHorizons

16:30  , à confirmer
16:50  PSA's versatility in biomethane production, SYS Advance - Joaquim Cunha
17:10  Organic Waste to Biogas/BioCNG - A Way Forward in Achieving Decarbonisation & Net Zero Emissions, KIS Group - K R Raghunath

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Circulaire/Circular

BioNGV is an energy of the future with a host of technical advantages: CO2 emissions 80% lower than diesel, improved air quality, competitive running costs requiring little reinforcement of existing infrastructure, etc. In France, almost 29,000 heavy goods vehicles run on bioNGV.

But bioNGV is also, and above all, a solution anchored at the heart of a regional economy: the bio-waste produced by our societies can be recovered to decarbonise transport and thus ensure a circularity ‘from collection to the reservoir’.

The conference, entitled ‘Bio-waste and bio-NGV: a winning combination for our regions’, will take stock of the deployment of these solutions and look back at inspiring initiatives through the testimonies of players across the value chain.

1) Overview of the bioNGV sector: dynamics, regulations... where do we stand?
- Selma TREBOUL, Director of Public Affairs, France Mobilité Biogaz
- Maxime GARNIER, BioNGV Mobility Market Development Manager, GRDF Centre-Ouest

2) Presentation of the vehicle models on display: new tools for transport
- Christophe DANEL, Technical Manager & Alternative Solutions, DIAN SCANIA
- Franck GIRANDIER, Sales Manager, BPM Pro IVECO
- Christophe LE MAITRE, Product Manager, NEW HOLLAND
- Valentin BOREL, Conseiller commercial, BOREL

3) From the collection of bio-waste to the use of bio-NGV, inspiring initiatives for the benefit of the circular economy
- Sophie KUHN, Head of the Waste Energy Climate Expertise Department, CD77
- Théophile PIEL, Agri-food industry sales representative, BRANGEON
- Olivier BOUCHONNEAU, Farmer - Associate methaniser - BioGNV station operator, AGRIBIOMETHANE

4) On-farm bioNGV stations: testimonials and outlook
- Delphie BOUTIN Energy studies and projects engineer, AKAJOULE
- Rebecca MARTIN, Alternative Fuels Project Manager, Transport and Mobility Department ADEME
- Florent MOREL, Methanation farmer SAS Morel Energies
- Olivier BOUCHONNEAU, Farmer - Associate methanizer - BioGNV station operator, AGRIBIOMETHANE

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass

16:30  Unlocking the potential of biomethane to drive Europe’s decarbonization and energy security, Hexagon Agility - Filippo Munna
16:50  Geca Environnement - Suzanne Allaire
17:00  Multiple decarbonation routes via pyrogasification - real examples, VOW/ETIA - Maïté Huron
17:20  A Dirty Business: Bioengineering to Fix the Climate. Deploying technologies that capture and remove carbon dioxide is not a technological challenge. It's a business one, Nellie Technologies - Stephen Milburn
17:40  Open to the floor

Wed 05/02/2025
salle/room : BioHorizons

Prize-giving ceremony for the winners of the Innovation Competition

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : BioHorizons

10:00  Capture and sequestration of biogenic carbon, a few avenues to explore to get off the beaten track, Eosys - Patrick Portolano
10:20  BIOCCUS: Greenhouse Gas Removal Through Pyrolysis of Waste Biomass and Carbon Capture, Ricardo - Josh Dalby
10:40  Carbon Impact - Karim Rahmani

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Circulaire/Circular

Meet five entrepreneurs from France, Spain and Poland who are using innovation to transform agricultural by-products and waste into bio-based products with high added value. Going from hemp and straw to bio-based insulation, from residues of olive pruning to biochar and biopolymers, and from apple pomace to functional foods, these entrepreneurs will share their experiences on how they are going from idea to market and dealing with challenges faced along the way. This conference will be moderated by experts from the SCALE-UP project who support the entrepreneurs with market analysis and business strategy development activities.

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas

- From technique to economics: knowing your production costs, monitoring them, and optimizing them (logistics costs, feed, maintenance...), CER France - Erell Guiavarch
- Methanisation 4.0: Artificial Intelligence and Chemical Kinetics for Methanisation, DataGrowb' - Naim Akkouche
- Optimising biological processes: AI, a key ally for operators, Kanadevia Inova - Alexis Cuquel
- High-performance maintenance, Jérôme Bécot
- Skills and safety issues for methanisation, Energy Formation - Stéphane Doisteau
- The bankers' point of view, BPGO - Jacky Moreau

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass

10:00  Overview and outlook for biomass heating networks in France, CIBE - Ludovic Prieur, FEDENE - August Rams, FEDENE - Mohamed Traore
10:30  Efficiency of a scrubber-condenser for biomass flue gases, CEDEN - Dominique Plumail et Idex Groupe - Sébastien Despont
10:50  Black is the New Green: Biochar's Role in Sustainable Heat for Industry and Cities, Novocarbo - Marie de Lauzon
11:10  Recycled wood waste, an alternative fuel used on Reims’s District Heating Network, Vyncke - Jérôme Béarelle
11:30  Debate - Open to the floor

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas

10:00  Plasma methane catalysis finally on the threshold of industrialisation: Sakowin demonstrates its technology in Switzerland, Sakowin - Pierre-Arnaud Sarda
10:20  Hydrogen and methanol: co-production from biogas or biomethane by ENERGO, Energo - Marion Guillevic
10:40  Membrane reactor - Macbeth project, Engie Lab CRIGEN - Pierre Olivier
11:00  break
11:10  Production of solid carbon and hydrogen from biomethane using non-thermal plasma, IBBK - Michael Köttner 
11:30  H2 Boost programme: biohydrogen through dark fermentation, Cyanocapture (BDC) - 
Jane Harrowell
11:50  Biohydrogen production: the challenge of moving from lab to industrial scale, Athéna Recherche et Innovation - Ludovic Briand
12:10  Debate and open to the floor

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biochar

10:00  Bio-coal opportunities in steelmaking, Luleå University of Technology - Lena Sundqvist-Öqvist 
10:20  Eramet decarbonization: toward sustainable, tailored & competitive biocarbon for the ferroalloys industry, Eramet Group - Thibault Cheisson
10:40  Implications of substituting pulverized injection coal in blast furnaces with thermally treated wood, BEST - Richard Deutsch
11:00  Biocoal at an industrial scale, Joensuu Biocoal Ltd - Matti Kymenvaara

pause 10 mins

11:30  Biocarbon as a safe carbon-neutral alternative for the Metals industry - CarbonFX Technology, Airex Energy Inc. - Patrick Lapointe
11:50  Industrial scale biocarbon plants – Status and lessons learned on the 20 000 t/yr biocarbon facilities in Norway and US, VOW/ETIA - Paal Jahre Nilsen 
12:10  Turning biowaste into steel-grade biocoal for EAF and sintering processes, Re-cord - Andrea Salimbeni

12:30  Panel Debate / Open to the floor

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : BioHorizons

Usage and sequestration ? The future of biogenic CO2 in France

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Circulaire/Circular

Renewable Carbon: Strategy, Examples of Successful Bio-based solutions, Renewable Carbon Initiative - RCI - Michael Carus
Introduction of Europe's first fully integrated, sustainable and circular PLA biorefinery, Futerro - Geoffroy Delvinquier
Reducing carbon footprint by up to 86% using 100% bio-renewable 1,3-propanediol, Covation - Patrick Van Waes 
OK renewable’ certification: determining the renewable carbon content of products, TÜV Austria - Philippe Dewolfs

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas

11:30  Update on departmental CIVE potential, SOLAGRO - Céline Labouée
11:50  CIVE - How to produce in sustainable quantities, Arvalis - Nicolas Dagorn
12:10  Focus on CAP 2024 regulations and feed-in tariff, AILE - Hugo Kech
12:20  Focus on innovative experiences combining CIVE and sustainability

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : BioHorizons

5 min: DLG - Marcus Vagt - Welcome and introduction to the session
15 min: Henze Harvestore - Stefan Wichelmann - Tank construction at the highest level
15 min: Baur Folien - Volker Staffend - The right gas storage tank for every project
15 min: Tietjen Verfahrenstechnik - Mr Lars Weiss - Converting biomass into biogas : How to achieve the best results with the help of our latest innovations
15 min: BioG - Michael Weidinger - Substrates from harvesting to the incorporation of dry fibrous materials
15 min: Armatec - Florian Wück - We move substrates - stirring, pumping and dosing
15 min: Steverding - Markus Graute - No matter how you turn it - paddle agitators a
15 min: Suma - Dominik Stimmelmayer
15 min: Weber Entec - Jan Talkgenberger

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Circulaire/Circular

Carbon for Chemicals - how can biomass contribute to the defossilisation of the chemicals sector ?, Imperial College London / Supergen Bioenergy Hub - Jason Hallett



Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass

12:00  Improving the performance of solid fuel power plants using METISIA, an AI tool developed with Purecontrol, Leroux and Lotz Technologies - Sylvain Roseau
12:20  (tbc)
12:40  Flue gas treatment of Biomass installations, Prossergy - Julien Larguier

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Circulaire/Circular

Transitioning to a biobased economy requires bridging the gap between innovation and large-scale implementation. Join leading experts as they share their experiences and strategies for scaling biobased technology and develop successful business models. The discussion will provide insights for everyone from innovators to policy makers on what to look ahead at in a biobased economy.

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biochar

The development of the biochar sector in Europe has grown significantly in recent years, due to the growing awareness of the challenges of decarbonisation and the need to develop industrial carbon sequestration capacities that are both efficient and useful for our economies.
Although biochar production is recognised as one of the most promising solutions and is already operational, promoting it in France remains a challenge that requires the technical, political and regulatory support needed for this new market to emerge.

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : BioHorizons

Update on CDR regulations in France and Europe


Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Circulaire/Circular

14h00  Building and Scaling the Biobased Economy with Innovative Startups. Startups have been at the forefront of developing novel technologies with the potential to unlock the biobased economy in a transition away from today’s fossil fuel-based economy. However, scaling these technologies to reach industrial capacity has remained challenging. In this presentation, Lux will share key learnings from startups successfully navigating the challenges of scaling and outline strategies to build and scale the biobased economy, Lux Research - Yuan-Sheng Sheng Lux Research  – Yuan-Sheng Yu

14h20  Biobased Chemicals - Fundamentals and Perpectives, Bio2Value - Louis Tiers



Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas

- The objectives of the EPP at regional level, S3D - Anthony Kerihuel
- A range of methanisation projects supported by developers, S3D - Anthony Kerihuel
- The role of local authorities in the development of methanisation, Maine-et-Loire Department - Marie-Jo Hamard
- Ter'green, Stéphane Gillet
Renewable energy and local roots: the CVE methanisation model, CVE - Antoine Poyer
From consent engineering to trust engineering, Philotas - Regis de La Perraudière
- The importance of upstream consultation, Auxelia Conseil - Colin Lemée
- Experience feedback, Agriculteur - Régis Roger
- Experience feedback ABEV, S3D - Florian Rabinel

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass

14:00  Game changers: unlocking the environmental and climate potential of Waste-to-Energy equipped with carbon capture technology, ESWET CCUS Working Group and Director Decarbonisation at Kanadevia Inova - Kai Lieball 
14:20  The challenges of carbon capture for small emitters, Ekium (Ex-Sofresid Engineering) - Valentin Malheiro 
14:40  Biogenic CO2 capture into Sustainable Energy Carriers, Cyanocapture - Uma Sagaram 
15:00  Carbon Capture Flue gas pre-treatment solutions, Valmet Technologies - Juuli Immonen
15:20  Facilitating access to Carbon Capture and Utilisation through Revcoo Cryogenic Innovation, Revcoo - Juilette Poupeney
15:40  Debate / Open to the floor

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas

14:00  An assessment of the progress, yields, emissions (environmental life cycle analysis) and costs of producing green Hfrom biomass gasification, Cnrs-Université de Lorraine (Carnot Icéel) - Yann Le-Brech 
14:20  , tbc
14:40  GOHYAVE project - Low-carbon hydrogen production from waste, Nerius Invest - Yoann Hodeau / Khimod - Mathieu Villani
15:10  The HYIELD Project, Waste to Energy Advanced Solutions Ltd - Andrés Ponce 
15:30  Driving ‘Electrification of Things’ by transforming local waste into ’instant Hydrogen’ and high-capacity fast charging – at fossil parity and without stressing the grid, Boson Energy - Heike Carl Zatterstrom
15:50  Debate and Open to the floor

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biochar

14:30  The first carbon-negative micro-cogeneration system based on biomass gasification and the Stirling engine with biochar production making the difference today, high in the Alps, KiRa Technology - Fabio Pellegrini, LostGlacier - Leonard Doyle

We know biochar has amazing practical uses, but here’s how it can directly change your life.

Imagine a future - rooted in the past - where the fuel you use also stores carbon and is certified to provides economic credits; in cold northern climates its also you main source of electricity and heat. If that wasn't enough, the biochar it produces creates a bountiful garden. This isn't some alchemic magic formula - it’s happening now.

Join us to explore a real technological breakthrough relevant to millions of homeowners. It combines micro-engineered biomass gasification with Stirling engine technology, which biochar experts have long wished for.

Hear from Fabio Pellegrini the designer and manufacturer and Leonard Doyle a social entrepreneur operating an off-grid alpine lodge, powered and heated entirely by biomass. Learn how this setup ensures year round comfort in a cold mountain climate, also making biochar to enrich soil and proving the economic and ecological benefits of decarbonized living.

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : BioHorizons

14:30  Biobased Binder, Innovidea - Pascal Harnois
14:50  Tailoring biochar for industry growth, ecoLocked - Alejandro Castilla
15:10  CO2 storage in mineral waste, NeuStark - Paul-Elie Coudray
15:30  The Biochar Life Project, NGE - Jan Lindenberger
15:50  Anthropocite : concrete aggregates that store CO2 from waste, Néolithe - Etienne Brulon
16:10  Voltigital (Carborok) - Fabien Michel

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Circulaire/Circular

14:40  Redefining the energy efficiency, acoustic comfort and sustainability of the thermal envelope of buildings using bioPolyurethane, Indresmat - Pablo Outon
15:00  , (tbc)
15:20 Unlock - EU Horizon project: demonstration of a feather-based bioeconomy generating innovative materials for agricultural applications, Unimos Alliance - Katarzyna Rull Quesada
15:40 Converting biowaste into biodegradable polymer materials, Dionymer - Thomas Hennebel


Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biochar

15:10  Upgrading biochar pyrolysis: producing electricity and residual heat with Cyplan® ORC modules, Dürr Systems France - Sven Jensen 
15:30  Global potentials of biochar as a soil amendment, Aachen University - Johannes Kern 
15:50  Results of the QUALICHAR study - physico-chemical qualities and potential uses of biochars, LRGP Cnrs-Université de Lorraine (Carnot Icéel) - Yann Le-Brech
16:10  Synergies and opportunities from the integration of AD and pyrolysis: experience from two case studies applied to the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste, RE-CORD - Andrea Maria Rizzo
16:30  From waste management solution to biochar carbon credits, challenges and opportunities of turning manure into gold,Geca Environnement - Perrine Legoube

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas

15:30  Introduction : Tibaut Fotso - Délegue Général, ATEE Club Power-to-Gas
15:35  Increasing Europe’s biomethane potential with methanation technologies, European Biogas Association (EBA) - Gabriella Papa, Technical and Project Officer
15:55  Panel Discussion : e-methane: A Renewable Gas Complementing Biomethane
          · Sabrina Dupuis - Déléguée à la stratégie, GRDF
          · Bijan Cour - Directeur Power-to-Gas & H2 renouvelable, Kanadevia INOVA
          · Mathieu Villani - Directeur Ventes et Marketing, KHIMOD
          · Stéphane Palmade – Directeur Technique, Enosis

Thu 06/02/2025
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas

Fourniture décentralisée d'hydrogène par craquage d'ammoniac pour la méthanisation catalytique du dioxyde de carbone biogène, Fraunhofer IMM - Dr Christian Bidart

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