Conference List

From 30/06/2021 to 01/07/2021
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Wed 30/06/2021

In accordance with current health regulations, wearing a mask is compulsory for all people throughout the exhibition site as is respecting the covid-19 health and safety instructions displayed and communicated on site. Please respect the social distancing of 1m between each person and in the conference room, alternate seating applies as well as the use of a separated entrance and exit. The organizer has put in place a cleaning team to be able to ensure a reinforced and continuous cleaning of the shared interior spaces and the outdoor eating area

Wed 30/06/2021

- The levers for the project development, assistance and support - Marc Le Tréïs, coordinator of the Plan Bois Energie Bretagne
- The HEDGEROW label to guarantee sustainable management of hedgerows, presentation and initial feedback - Pierric Cordouen, CBB35 and Collectif Coat Nerzh Breizh
- Delegated project management: a toolbox to adapt to every situation: example of the shared DSP for the Roche aux fées Community, Eymeric Orvoen, DG Nass & Wind
Round table on delegated project management: a toolbox to adapt to each situation: Thierry Restif - VP Roche aux fées communautaire, Eymeric Orvoen - DG Nass & Wind,  Pierric Cordouen - CBB35 - Amandine Pierre-Loti - Network coordinator Taranis

Wed 30/06/2021

Elodie PAYEN, Project Manager CIBE

Wed 30/06/2021

Patrice BERTHAUD of Alter Anjou Loire Territoire, Project Manager for setting up of the Belle Beille d'Angers biomass heating network (8.6 MW wood & 16 km of network) who will present his feedback on  air quality consultation with local residents
Elodie PAYEN, Project Manager CIBE

Wed 30/06/2021


Wed 30/06/2021

Hydrothermal Gasification, GRTgaz - Robert Mühlke, Nevezus Innovation - Joel Tanguy
Pyrolysis with micro-waves, DEMIO - Gaulthier Bernard
Gasification, Energy &+ Franck Mainard

Moderator: Madeleine Alphen - ATEE Club Pyrogasification

Wed 30/06/2021

Institutional Welcome and Presentations

Thu 01/07/2021

10:45 Collection, emptying and cleaning demonstration of bio-waste containers* with presentation of the operating procedures of a professional organisation specialised in the collection and recovery of organic waste. Emma LAMOUREUX, CMV
11:00 Regulatory update on waste and the 2021 "Deconditioning and Hygienization" Call for Projects, Anne JAFFRELOT, ADEME
11:10 European Experience Feedback on the treatment of bio-waste and the opportunities to reduce waste production in the context of the European project BluePrint, Lucie DOMINGO, Unilasalle
11:20 Global solution for the collection of bio-waste Local authorities & Professionals, Pierre-André GALY, AXIBIO
11:30 Biodegradable plastics: a tool for the recovery of bio-waste by AD, Guillaume Cazaudehore, APESA
11:40 Ensuring the quality of inputs for a traceable return to the soil of quality, Daniel Lamoureux, GAEC Lamoureux
11:50 Deconditioning of bio-waste, Xavier le Goff, Trégor Biogaz
12:00 Questions & Answers

* the contents of the bio-waste bins will be the bio-waste sorted and collected in the catering area of the event on Wednesday June 30. Location of the demonstration: the entrance to the conference room

Thu 01/07/2021

Gilles Durand, AFGNV
Cécile Lagadec, Breizh bioGNV
Mickaël Thomas, Méthatlantique
Charles de la Monneraye, SDE35
Florent Morel, Morel Energies / GTbioGNV AAMF

Thu 01/07/2021

15:30 Summary of the operation reports of AD units for the year 2019 in Brittany, Laure DENOS, DREAL
15:50 REX biomethane injection nationwide, Bastien PRAZ, GRDF
16:00 Areas for optimizing sites: feedback from an injector, Bastien PRAZ, GRDF and Jean-Christophe Gilbert, AAMF
16:25 Support offered to project developers, Jean-Marc Onno, AAMF
16:30 Close

Moderator : Armelle DAMIANO, AILE

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