EKI Energy Services Limited

903, B-1 9th Floor, NRK Business Park, Scheme 54 PU4
Téléphone: (+91) 731 42 89 086

Carbon offsets, Net-Zero and Sustainability Services
EKI Energy Services Ltd. (EKI), erstwhile EnKing International in the climate sector
globally, is a leading Carbon Credit Developer & Supplier across the globe.

EKI is 14+ years old and is global market leader with its deep expertise. The company
works in the realm of climate change, carbon offset solutions and carbon asset
management. The company is today present in 16+ countries and has 3000+ clients across
40+ countries worldwide. As on date, EKI has supplied over 180+ million offsets.

Founded in 2008, EKI has been passionately working towards rehabilitating the planet to a
future of net-zero carbon emissions. The company offers sustainable solutions for climate
change and carbon offsets with global standards like CDM, VCS, Gold Standard, GCC,
IREC, TIGR and others.

With an aim to contribute to the development of a climate-resilient global economy, the
company offers strategic solutions to businesses and organizations globally to achieve their
climate ambition. EKI offerings span across Carbon Credit/Asset Management, Carbon
Credit Generation, Carbon Credit Supply, Carbon Credit Offsetting, Carbon Footprint
Management, Sustainability Audits, as well as Carbon Neutrality and Climate Positive
Infos supplémentaires 
Vidéo de présentation de l'entreprise / Company video introduction
Brochure de l'Entreprise / Company brochure
14h00 - 16h00
jeu. 09/02/2023
09/02/2023 14:00:00

14h00   Les filtres mobiles de charbon actif au service de la purification du biogas, Desotec
14h20   Finance carbone pour la gestion des biodéchets, EKI Energy Services 
14h40   La compensation carbone et le Label Bas Carbone : décryptage par Carbonapp, Carbonapp
