AccueilConférences 2024 ecoLocked GmbH C/O ECOSIA GMBH GERICHTSTRASSE 23 HOF 4 / AUFGANG 4 13347 Berlin Allemagne Site Web: ecoLocked is turning buildings into carbon sinks! Our solution is a range of biochar-based, CO₂-negative concrete additives and admix materials that uniquely combine carbon sequestration, emission reduction, and functional improvements, and help the construction industry build with climate-friendly concrete.Our products permanently store sequestered atmospheric carbon in the built environment, thereby helping concrete producers, real estate developers, and architects compensate for residual emissions from construction projects. Moreover, they reduce the need for fossil raw materials such as cement and sand and deliver targeted functionalities such as lightweight concrete. All products are based on biogenic carbon extracted from local biomass residues.Our first product, eLM Zero for climate-neutral non-structural concrete is out now in Europe! Activités Béton ou ciment Infos supplémentaires Vidéo de présentation de l'entreprise / Company video introduction Brochure de l'Entreprise / Company brochureOuvrir | TéléchargerDescriptif / The StoryecoLocked is turning buildings into carbon sinks! We convert captured carbon from waste biomassinto functional, carbon-negative construction materials. Our products permanently store CO2 in thebuilt environment, reduce the need for fossil raw materials, and deliver material performanceimprovements in areas like insulation, durability, and manufacturing time. The core tool behind thatis our data-driven product development platform, allowing us to make use of feedstock variability toswiftly create tailored products for specific building material segments and ensure consistentperformance across diverse locations. Conférences 10h00 - 12h20 jeu. 25/01/2024 25/01/2024 10:00:00 salle/room : Circulaire/Circular Concrete - a medium for at scale Carbon Removal 10h00 Biochar dans le béton : Une voie d'élimination du carbone à grande échelle, EcoLocked10h20 Applications du biochar dans le béton, Glanris10h40 Construire l'avenir. Créer des puits de carbone dans le béton et l'asphalte., CarStorCon Technologies11h00 Des solutions "concretes" pour l'elimination de carbon et l'economie circulaire, Voltigital11h20 Stockage permanent du CO2 dans des déchets minéraux et matériaux recyclés, Neustark11h40 Echanges avec la Salle Animateurs: Christian WURZER UK Biochar Research Centre UKBRC Intervenants: Alejandro CASTILLASenior Operations Manager Fabien MICHELCEO VOLTIGITAL Henrike RÖSEPR & Marketing CarStorCon Technologies GmbH Simon STAUFERBusiness Development Manager Neustark Bryan EAGLECEO Glanris ecoLocked GmbH Retour à la liste