SYNCRAFT - Climate Positive Solutions

Münchner Straße 22
6130   Schwaz
Téléphone: +43 5242 62510

Highly efficient, resource-conserving and climate-positive energy generation: SynCraft, the Austrian high-tech company based in Schwaz, Tyrol, has been building and implementing climate-positive energy systems worldwide for over ten years now, generating electricity, heat and valuable biochar from forest residues. In 2020, the company was able to put as many turnkey systems into operation as in the first ten years since its founding in 2009 combined - including in Japan. Currently, the 29th system is under construction. In 2020, the company received two prestigious awards for its innovative technology, which is based on years of in-house research and development work: the "Energy Globe Award" and the "TRIGOS Award".
Infos supplémentaires 
Vidéo de présentation de l'entreprise / Company video introduction
Brochure de l'Entreprise / Company brochure
14h00 - 16h35
ven. 26/03/2021
26/03/2021 14:00:00
14h00 Approvisionnement responsable en biomasse pour l'industrie, Thomas Harcourt
14h25 Crédits d'énergie, de chaleur, de biochar et de carbone provenant des copeaux de bois; une approche tout-en-un, Marcel Huber
14h45 Marché des puits de carbone à base de biochar, Hannes Junginger
pause de 5 minutes
15h05 Séquestration du CO2 en construisant une économie circulaire basée sur le biochar, Caspar von Ziegner
15h20 Pyrolyse des boues d'épuration, Helmut Gerber
15h40 pause de 10 minutes
15h55 Biochar est le nouveau noir des composites pour les propriétés électriques, Mauro Giorcelli
16h20 Transformer les biocomposites en noir par Biochar, Oisik Das
16h35 clôture


Researcher - the Carbon Group
Politecnico Torino
Oisik Das
Universitetslektor (EN : Senior Lecturer/Assoc. Prof.)
Luleå University of Technology