56281   DÖRTH

PYREG GmbH is a German NetZero Tech company and a pioneer in the field of CO2 removal (CDR) through sustainable solutions in waste disposal management. The German machine manufacturer was founded in 2009 as a university spin-off. Today the company employs 100 people.
With its high-tech machines, the company offers a scalable and cost-effective solution for safely and permanently binding environmentally harmful CO2 in the form of beneficial biochar. The targets of the Paris Agreement can only be achieved by implementing such negative emissions technologies.

PYREG is the industry leader in carbonizing organic waste (biomass, sewage sludge, etc.) into EBC-certified biochar – a process that simultaneously produces regenerative heat. Used as a soil conditioner or in other permanent material applications, biochar creates a natural, safe and long-term carbon sink. The amount of CO2 bound by PYREG’s plants can be certified and traded.
Further information needed? Feel free to contact us!
Our technology offers solutions for various issues in the fields of waste management, CO2 reduction, recycling management and many more. Contact us, we are happy to help!
Infos supplémentaires 
Vidéo de présentation de l'entreprise / Company video introduction
Brochure de l'Entreprise / Company brochure
Catalogue Produits / Product Catalogue
Descriptif / The Story
PYREG GmbH is a German NetZero Tech company and a pioneer in the field of CO2 removal (CDR) through sustainable solutions in waste disposal management. The German machine manufacturer was founded in 2009 as a university spin-off. Today the company employs 100 people.
With its high-tech machines, the company offers a scalable and cost-effective solution for safely and permanently binding environmentally harmful CO2 in the form of beneficial biochar. The targets of the Paris Agreement can only be achieved by implementing such negative emissions technologies.

PYREG is the industry leader in carbonizing organic waste (biomass, sewage sludge, etc.) into EBC-certified biochar – a process that simultaneously produces regenerative heat. Used as a soil conditioner or in other permanent material applications, biochar creates a natural, safe and long-term carbon sink. The amount of CO2 bound by PYREG’s plants can be certified and traded.
Further information needed? Feel free to contact us!
Our technology offers solutions for various issues in the fields of waste management, CO2 reduction, recycling management and many more. Contact us, we are happy to help!
14h00 - 16h35
ven. 26/03/2021
26/03/2021 14:00:00
14h00 Approvisionnement responsable en biomasse pour l'industrie, Thomas Harcourt
14h25 Crédits d'énergie, de chaleur, de biochar et de carbone provenant des copeaux de bois; une approche tout-en-un, Marcel Huber
14h45 Marché des puits de carbone à base de biochar, Hannes Junginger
pause de 5 minutes
15h05 Séquestration du CO2 en construisant une économie circulaire basée sur le biochar, Caspar von Ziegner
15h20 Pyrolyse des boues d'épuration, Helmut Gerber
15h40 pause de 10 minutes
15h55 Biochar est le nouveau noir des composites pour les propriétés électriques, Mauro Giorcelli
16h20 Transformer les biocomposites en noir par Biochar, Oisik Das
16h35 clôture


Researcher - the Carbon Group
Politecnico Torino
Oisik Das
Universitetslektor (EN : Senior Lecturer/Assoc. Prof.)
Luleå University of Technology