
79106   Freiburg

Carbonfuture is the Trust Infrastructure for durable carbon removal. Today, the Trust Infrastructure consists of two products that seamlessly connect the entire carbon removal lifecycle: Carbonfuture MRV+, the most comprehensive MRV solution for durable CDR, and Carbonfuture Marketplace, the leading marketplace for durable CDR. At Carbonfuture, we build trust throughout the carbon removal journey with our rigorous, data-driven approach, ensuring unmatched quality and reliability of carbon removal. We empower suppliers by providing the essential project support and finance needed to transform their carbon removal projects into fully certified carbon credits. For corporate buyers, we offer access to portfolios of carbon removal credits that meet the highest quality criteria and provide visibility at each step of the carbon removal lifecycle via data-driven transparency enabled by Carbonfuture MRV+. We work with some of the world's most ambitious climate leaders such as Microsoft, Swiss Re, and the World Economic Forum First Movers Coalition.

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Brochure de l'Entreprise / Company brochure
14h00 - 16h35
ven. 26/03/2021
26/03/2021 14:00:00
14h00 Approvisionnement responsable en biomasse pour l'industrie, Thomas Harcourt
14h25 Crédits d'énergie, de chaleur, de biochar et de carbone provenant des copeaux de bois; une approche tout-en-un, Marcel Huber
14h45 Marché des puits de carbone à base de biochar, Hannes Junginger
pause de 5 minutes
15h05 Séquestration du CO2 en construisant une économie circulaire basée sur le biochar, Caspar von Ziegner
15h20 Pyrolyse des boues d'épuration, Helmut Gerber
15h40 pause de 10 minutes
15h55 Biochar est le nouveau noir des composites pour les propriétés électriques, Mauro Giorcelli
16h20 Transformer les biocomposites en noir par Biochar, Oisik Das
16h35 clôture


Researcher - the Carbon Group
Politecnico Torino
Oisik Das
Universitetslektor (EN : Senior Lecturer/Assoc. Prof.)
Luleå University of Technology