Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Renaud RICOLFI-BOUVELLE
Du 08/02/2023 au 09/02/2023
Lieu : Parc de la Beaujoire, Nantes
Technology Engineer Carbon CO2 Waste Biomass to Liquid SAF e-naphtha renewable diesel
Renaud Ricolfi-Bouvelle –MSc in Process Enginneering- is working as technologist for renewable fuels, focused on FT and upgrading technologies for xtL in the Technology & Technical Support business division within Axens. He started his professional career in the Oil&Gas in 2008 on the EPC side. He served as process engineer and field engineer in various positions. He joined Axens in 2014 as start up team manager. After taking part in numerous start up around the world including first industrial unit start up, he specialized in the Fischer Tropsch and uprgrading process, a technology having now a particular interest in the energy transition.
CCU à partir des fumées de combustion de la biomasse 08/02/2023 à 16:20
16h20 Biochar, Serres et Cascades de Carbone, Hot Lime Labs 16h40 Systèmes de cogénération innovants à l'échelle communautaire avec capture, utilisation et stockage du carbone et production de biochar, Ricardo 17h00 Les technologies intégrées d'Axens pour le captage et l'utilisation du CO₂, Axens 17h20 Technologie de captage de CO2 par contacteurs membranaires concept modulaire et intégration énergétique (Projet : Jupiter 1000), Leroux et Lotz Technologies
Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Renaud RICOLFI-BOUVELLE