
Du 08/02/2023 au 09/02/2023   Lieu : Parc de la Beaujoire, Nantes

Senior Specialist
Maria Puig Arnavat is a specialist with more than 15 years of experience with biomass and thermochemical conversion processes. Maria holds a Ph.D. on biomass gasification and has scientific and practical experience with gasification, pyrolysis and biochar from 12 years of research in the field. Her expertise also includes biogas plants, combustion, modelling of thermal energy systems, pre-treatment, pelletization, and characterization of solid biomass fuels. In addition, her knowledge also covers processing of alternative fuels such as secondary biomass resources, and waste and alternative conversion technologies for production of synthetic fuels and biochar.

Maria has considerable experience in Technical Due Diligences (TDD) for biogas plants, and gasification and pyrolysis of plastics, waste, and biomass. She has been working as lead and specialist for several TDDs, most recently a vendor due diligence for a portfolio of 12 existing biogas plants in Denmark and more than 20 plants in the pipeline. Additionally, Maria has been involved in pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, concept designs, and preparation of tender documents for biogas and Waste-to-Energy projects.

Maria is one of Ramboll's experts in biochar production and utilization and the lead of the Anaerobic Digestion Knowledge Network at Ramboll.

Le CO₂ biogénique issu de l'épuration biogaz/biométhane : boucler le cercle vertueux
09/02/2023 à 10:00

10h00  Introduction, CO₂ Value Europe
10h05  L'innovation pour soutenir la valorisation du CO₂ biogénique issu du biogaz, GRDF
10h25  Cosmos CO₂
10h45  Prodeval
11h05  Captage et valorisation de CO₂ biogénique issu de méthanisation : la solution pour la décarbonation et la valorisation optimale du biogaz, Verdemobil
11h25  pause
11h40  CO₂ : la nouvelle matière première des industriels, Carbon Works
12h00  SOLARVI " L'énergie SOLaire stockée par l'électrolyse de l’eau entre 200 et 300°C et la transformation du gaz cARbonique issu de la biomasse (VIgne) et de l'Industrie, éMA
12h20  La valorisation du CO₂ par les biotechnologies, quel potentiel ? Exemples de développement, Bioeconomy 4 Change
12h40  Aperçu de l'état et des projets en cours pour le captage et l'utilisation du CO₂ des usines de biogaz au Danemark, Ramboll

Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Intervenant