Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Arnaud DEFRANCE

Du 08/02/2023 au 09/02/2023   Lieu : Parc de la Beaujoire, Nantes

Vice President Head of Carbon Removal Funding Solutions
Puro earth
Arnaud Defrance, VP of Funding Solutions at, is a visionary in climate finance, driving impactful change. With a background in global investment banking, he spearheads's efforts to bridge funding gaps for innovative carbon removal technologies. Arnaud also leads Puro Accelerate, scaling the carbon removal ecosystem by enabling buyers to purchase future CO₂ Removal Certificates (CORCs) from projects in development. Buyer participation propels projects, securing vital cash flow for funding. Contact to explore offtake opportunities for carbon removal projects.

Crédits de Carbone
08/02/2023 à 11:20

11h20  South Pole en tant que développeur, gestionnaire et financier de projets de compensation carbone biochar selon les normes approuvées par l'ICROA, Southpole
11h35  Dynamique du marché de l'élimination du carbone et orientation future, Carbonfuture
12h50  Lever les barrières à l'entrée des projets de biochar pour accéder aux crédits carbone, PuroEarth
12h05  Carbon Standards International

Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Arnaud DEFRANCE