Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Jean-Louis ROUX DIT BUISSON
Du 24/01/2024 au 25/01/2024
Lieu : Parc de la Beaujoire, Nantes
Jean-Louis has 25 years of experience in developing and growing technology based companies. His business developer experience covers materials and processes industries (Hexis Fuel Cells, SmartMonitor preventative maintenance, SuPrem advanced carbon fibers, Sulzer Metco, Sulzer Innotec) and health care industries (Medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals diagnostics). Jean-Louis started his career as a process engineer at Badger USA, and later as a production engineer Advanced Resins at Exxon Chemicals. His management experience includes management and coaching in private and corporate technology based growth businesses and Health care industries. Jean-Louis has held responsibilities as CEO, M&A, Finance, Marketing, Sales , R&D management and Production responsibilities in large groups, start-ups and SMEs. He has counseled boards on M&As, technology licensing, including strategic integration plans and pricing for value decisions. Jean-Louis holds an MBA from Insead, an MSc in Chemical Engineering from MIT and an Engineering degree from ENSCP Paris-Tech.
Capture et utilisation du carbone à partir du biogaz 24/01/2024 à 16:30
16h30 L'utilisation du dioxyde de carbone capturé comme agent stabilisant dans la production d'engrais renouvelables, CCm Technologies 16h50 Plastiques hautes performances et biodégradables à base de CO₂ : Présentation d'une technologie innovante de valorisation du CO₂ biogénique dans le cadre du projet HICCUPS, Avantium 17h10 Décarbonatation Scope 3 : Rôle des micro-algues, contraintes et solutions, NeoCarbons 17h30 , Host France
Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Jean-Louis ROUX DIT BUISSON