Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Henrike RÖSE

Du 24/01/2024 au 25/01/2024   Lieu : Parc de la Beaujoire, Nantes

Henrike RÖSE
PR & Marketing
CarStorCon Technologies GmbH
Henrike is taking care of Press and Marketing as well as international projects at CarStorCon®. She has a background in technical marketing and project management as well as product ownership for digital products and platforms in Germany and abroad.

CarStorCon® Technologies developed the additive Clim@Add®, that turns concrete and asphalt applications into CO2-sinks while improving the material properties of the products. The additive consists of up to 94% technical carbon and uses its properties to improve material functionalities like insulation and moisture regulation. At the same time a replacement of finite raw materials such as cement is possible and leads to further emission reduction.

Concrete - a medium for at scale Carbon Removal
25/01/2024 à 10:00

10h00  Biochar dans le béton : Une voie d'élimination du carbone à grande échelle, EcoLocked
10h20  Applications du biochar dans le béton, Glanris
10h40  Construire l'avenir. Créer des puits de carbone dans le béton et l'asphalte., CarStorCon Technologies
11h00  Des solutions "concretes" pour l'elimination de carbon et l'economie circulaire, Voltigital
11h20  Stockage permanent du CO2 dans des déchets minéraux et matériaux recyclés, Neustark
11h40  Echanges avec la Salle

Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Henrike RÖSE