Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Sary AWAD

Du 24/01/2024 au 25/01/2024   Lieu : Parc de la Beaujoire, Nantes

Cocpit Project Coordinator Professor
IMT Atlantique
Sary AWAD is a Professor at IMT Atlantique at the Energy Systems and Environmental Engineering Department a part of GEPEA, a joint research unit of CNRS (UMR CNRS 6144), since 2023. He has Joined IMT Atlantique in 2012 as assistant-professor. He holds a Ph. D. from Nantes University (2011) in energy and process engineering. His research focuses on waste/biomass-based sustainable fuels starting from the choice and the characterization of biomass and ending by testing the fuels on internal combustion engines. He has earned experience in chemical, biochemical and thermochemical processing of biomass and on the use of biofuels on internal combustion engines (experimental and modelling). Since October 2023 he is coordinating the HE project COCPIT ( dealing with algal sustainable aviation and shipping fuels production.

Carburants durables d'aviation (Partie 1)
24/01/2024 à 10:00

10h00  Introduction et aperçu du projet Cocpit, IMT Atlantique
10h15  Des carburants aéronautiques durables pour un ciel plus vert, Ramboll

10h35  Production d'e-fuels à partir de CO2 biogénique : perspectives et conditions de rentabilité des projets de captage, Sia Partners
10h55  Global Bioenergies : une nouvelle voie vers des Carburants Durables d'Aviation, Global Bioenergies
11h15  PureSAF : un pas vers un avenir plus vertKBR-Swedish Biofuels
11h35  Les algues marines comme matière première pour les SAF, Celignis Analytical
11h55  Des lipides durables à faible teneur en ILUC pour une production de SAF à bilan carbone négatif : l'approche du biochar, RE-CORD 
12h15  Echanges avec la salle

Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Sary AWAD