Registration Ebadge Visitor - Bio360 2025

Ebadge valid for Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th February 2025, Nantes - France.

The holder of this Ebadge will be able to enter and exit Bio360 at leisure during the full duration of the exhibition as long as the e-badge is presented at every entry. The e-badge is personal to you and may not be shared with anyone else. 

Entrance to the event is reserved for professionals only.

IMPORTANT : If you are:

- an Exhibitor (ie part of the stand team), you need to obtain an Exhibitor Ebadge from your Exhibition Manager. Do not register for a Visitor Ebadge.
- a Speaker : obtain your Speaker Ebdage from your online Speaker Area. Do not register for a Visitor Ebadge.

The BEES Team
Bioenergy Events & Services (BEES)
