Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Farough MOTASEMI
Du 05/02/2025 au 06/02/2025
Lieu : Parc de la Beaujoire, Nantes
ANESSA Biogas Software
Since 2008, I've been involved in the renewable energy industry, engaging in diverse roles and processes. My journey covers transesterification for biodiesel production to advanced processes like drying, torrefaction, pyrolysis, gasification and anaerobic digestion, operating across lab, pilot, and industry scales. My focal point has consistently been on modeling and optimizing these processes, pioneering innovative approaches to predict biomass behavior under varying process conditions. I have a keen interest in sustainability, GHG emission reduction, and the production of low-carbon fuels.
As the CTO and co-founder of Anessa Biogas Software since 2015, I've led our team in providing modeling, optimization, and predictive analytics to the biogas industry. Leveraging advanced predictive methods like AI, machine learning, and deep learning, we've developed impactful intellectual property. Our work extends from supporting the energy and oil and gas industries in their decarbonization efforts to assisting biogas plant operators with smart, data-driven solutions for seamless day-to-day operations.
le R&D & l'Innovation : derniers développements et perspectives d'avenir 05/02/2025 à 15:30
15h30 Retour sur les AAP 2024, témoignage d'un lauréat et programme AAP 2025, GRDF – Bérengère Poisson 15h50 AI-Enabled Biogas Project Optimization, Sourcing, Assessment and Optimization, Anessa – Farough Motasemi 16h10 Métha-HYn : Augmenter la production de méthane des sites de méthanisation par fermentation sombre et méthanation biologique in-situ, APESA – Christine Peyrelasse 16h30 ALLIANCE, projet de développement de la 1ère ligne de production mondiale d’épurateurs biométhane et de liquéfacteur de bioCO2, Prodeval – Antoine Clerc & INSA Lyon – Taha arbaoui
16h50 pause
17h00 Développement d'un capteur acoustique non intrusif pour détecter les ouvertures anormales de soupapes de sécurité de digesteurs, CH4 Process – Maxime Brissaud 17h20 The Life Steam Project : Conversion de déchets verts à faible valeur énergétique en biocarburants à haute valeur ajoutée, Valmet – Mattias Erixon 17h40 Coupler méthanisation et production de bioplastiques, Dionymer - Thomas Hennebel
Bio360 2025 - Intervenants - Farough MOTASEMI