Programme |
salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas
10:00 Guidehouse 10:15 European Biogas Association 10:30 Association des agriculteurs méthaniseurs de France (AAMF) 10:45 Open to the floor
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10h00 Plant-based asphalt Biophalt: presentation of the process and first sites, Eiffage Route 10h20 Transition towards a climate neutral asphalt industry in the Nordic countries including key insights and trials with alternative materials, Peab Asfalt 10h40 The use of Biochar @Scale in Pavements, Mining Roads and General Carbon Net-Negative Construction, Green Carbon Industries 11h00 Biochar and Ecofalt : the perfect match, Municipality of Enshede
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10h00 Introduction 10h05 Carbonization of Sewage Sludge to produce P-fertilizer Biochar, Pyreg 10h20 Revolution in sewage sludge conversion, NGE 10h35 PFAS removal and sludge management by fully automated sludge pyrolysis and drying, AquaGreen 10h50 Scaling of biosolids carbonization for large municipalities, VOW
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salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass
10:00 Introduction 10:10 Bioenergy Europe 10:30 IEA Bioenergy 10:50 Svebio 11:10 CIBE full details to follow
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salle/room : Circulaire/Circular
10h00 Introduction, CO₂ Value Europe 10h05 Waste-to-Energy's contribution to district heating systems and applications in carbon utilisation, ESWET 10h25 11 reasons why we should prioritize carbon capture to the waste to energy sector., Keppel Seghers Belgium Nv 10h45 Carbon2X Concept to Produce New Materials From The CO₂ Emissions Of Waste Incineration, Fortum 11h05 Solutions for low-carbon and carbon negative energy from bio and waste streams, Sumitomo (SFW) 11h25 break 11h40 CCU @ Twence – a roadmap to a net zero future, Twence 12h00 New ways of CO₂ valorisation through plasma catalysis, Energo 12h20 Reducing Cost of Carbon Capture by standard units that enables waste heat, Novozymes 12h40 Biogenic content determination in alternative fuels and CO₂ emissions with the Carbon 14 method, Beta Analytics
Benoît ENGLEBERTHead of Sales and Business Development KEPPEL SEGHERS BELGIUM NV
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salle/room : Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas
10h00 Introduction, Club Pyrogazéification ATEE 10h15 Pyrogasification, solution to turn solid wastes into RNG and low carbon gas available and storable in existing gas networks, moving towards a more circular economy to energy independency benefice, GRTgaz 10h40 Renewable Energy recovery from agricultural residues, Qairos Energies 11h05 Gazotech 11h30 EQTEC 11h55 RDF-to-rDME: a more effective utilisation of non-recycable waste to decarbonise off-grid users, Circular Fuels Ltd 12h20 Gidara Energy 12h40 Engie
The pyrogasification sector provides an innovative and efficient response to improve non-intermittent recovery of energy from biomass residues and non-recyclable carbonaceous waste with no outlet. Regional actors can thus recognize in the sector a new solution to valorize local resources and decarbonize their energy consumption.
A dynamic ecosystem of innovative companies is now ready to deploy these technologies and offers modular solutions that adapt to regional needs, as demonstrated by the sixty identified projects currently identified in France today and which are ready to industrialise .
Presentations of these different recovery typologies are offered in the Pyrogasification session at Bio360 Expo.
Come and discover this ecosystem, discuss, debate and share your experiences!
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salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas
11:15 Ademe 11:30 Consorzio Italiano Biogas 11:45 Platform Groen Gas 12:00 Fachverband Biogas e.V. 12:15 12:30 Open to the floor
Julien THUALCoordinateur Méthanisation ADEME Nationale ADEME ANGERS
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11h20 South Pole as developer, manager, and financier of biochar carbon offset projects under ICROA-endorsed standards, Southpole 11h35 The carbon removal market dynamics and future direction, Carbonfuture 12h50 Lifting barriers of entry for biochar projects to access carbon credits, PuroEarth 12h05 Carbon Standards International
Hannes ETTERTechnology Strategy Deputy Director - Biochar South Pole
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11h20 Possible Pathways to Low Carbon and Carbon Negative Concrete, National University of Singapore 11h40 Store biogenic CO₂ permanently in concrete, Neustark 12h00 Ultra Low Carbon Bio-concrete, Prometheus Materials 12h20 Opportunities for and benefits of biochar in concrete, Novocarbo 12h40 Biochar in concrete - the key to a climate-positive construction industry, CarStorCon® Technologies GmbH
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salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass
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ANZ Biochar Industry Group (ANZBIG) will host a panel discussion on the emerging industry in the region. Topics covered include ANZ Innovative technology, projects and international biochar carbon removal credits as well as world leading research on bespoke biochars such as liquid and biochar mineral complexes. We will also launch our Biochar Industry 2030 Roadmap to a New Carbon Economy.
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salle/room : Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas
How are Hydrothermal Gasification (HG) market players organised around a common sector strategy? - The 1st white paper on hydrothermal gasification => supplemented by the reasons for VEOLIA and SUEZ to be interested in the technology! - State of progress of French and international technology developers and their visions by 2026 - Various actors already requesting this solution to better recover waste
2:00pm - 2:30pm : Introduction to HG technology and publication of the white paper, Robert Muhlke, GRTgaz - Context and motivation leading to the production of the white paper, Robert Muhlke, GRTgaz - Main lessons and interests of the major waste recovery actors, Paulo Fernandes, VEOLIA, Safwan Al Ayoubi, SUEZ - Q&A
2:30 - 3:00 p.m.: "Supply" roundtable: the advancement of French and international technology developers - Javier Vallejo, Sofiane Zalouk, Leroux & Lotz Technologies (fr) - Thomas Chauveau, VINCI Environment (fr) + James Oyler, Genifuel (us) - Frédéric Juillard, TreaTech (ch) - Frédéric Ducros, CEA (fr) Q&A
3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: Round table "demand": Who are the actors interested in HG ? How does HG meet their needs? - Benoit Lalizel, Cristal Union (cooperative agro-industrial group among the first European producers of sugar and alcohol): - Serge Chouffeur, Arkema (one of the world leaders in chemicals and specialty materials) - Flavie Bilheur, CARENE (the Greater Council of St. Nazaire) - Q&A
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salle/room : Circulaire/Circular
14h00 Introduction 14h05 European Biogas Association 14h20 CCU a brief overview, CO₂ Value Europe 10h35 European Biochar Industry Consortium 14h50 Bioenergy Europe 15h05 Innovation and green growth through eco-industrial clusters, GreenLab 15h20 Open to the floor
“Connecting up the Dots of the Biotransition” is a first kind of exploration and examination of the potential synergies across the different disciplines of bioenergy, CCUS and biochar to achieve locked-in circularity. A vision which goes right to the heart of the concept of Bio360 Expo.
This session is unique in that it brings together leading figures and spokespersons from across the principal European associations for biomass energy, biogas, biochar and carbon capture and utilisation to share thoughts and ideas on pathways to a common vision.
Developing an integrated approach across the different disciplines of the biotransition where for example a by-product of one process is taken as a feedstock for another, and from that process a new by-product is passed on again to another process. Think a baton in a relay race being carried around a circular track. A renewable circuit whereby the looping and optimal use of resources leads to a re-definition of the concept of “waste”. In fact, there may be none. There’s no dropping of the baton.
A exemplary illustration of how this pans out on the ground will be provided by Christopher Sorenson, CEO of the GreenLab project in Denmark GreenLab shows the way forward and provides a glimpse of the future, today, by integrating biogas, CCU, wind, solar, biochar, renewable fuels, e-fuels, green hydrogen, recycling, renewable construction materials production... all on one site, all processes passing on value from one to the other, under the same patch of blue sky.
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salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas
14h00 Introduction, AAMF 14h15 RED II definition, principles and methodology, timetable, challenges for AD operators, ENGIE E&C 15h00 Feedback from a certified plant with integrated supervision software, Biogasview 15h15 AD monitoring and GHG reduction calculation tool consistent with the RED II methodology, France Gaz Renouvelables 15h30 Open to the floor
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salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass
14:00 Introduction 14:10 Deployment of biomass gasification plants under cPPA contract to improve energy autonomy and decarbonise industrial processes, Charwood Energy 14:30 Low-carbon energy autonomy by recovering solid waste locally, Mini green power 14:50 Decarbonisation - Switching from gas to waste wood: technical and legislative issues, Vyncke, Exoceth 15:10 Decarbonisation of Industry by Biomass. The road travelled and perspectives, Idex Groupe 15:30 Structuring and financing the decarbonisation of industry, Kyotherm 15:50 Syngas from Biomass and waste fuels for Energy-and Emissions-Intensive Industry, WtEnergy Advanced Solutions
Andrés PONCECo-Founder and CEO Waste to Energy Advanced Solutions SL
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Aggregates / Mineralisation 14h00 Valorisation of cement dust into CO2-enriched aggregates, Vicat 14h20 Sustainable trapping of 1Mt/year of CO2: the potential of recycled concrete waste, Voltigital Matériaux de construction 14h40 Bio-Based Polyurethane Insulation Foams for Safe, Energy-Efficient, and Lightweight Products, Indresmat 15h00 Biochar in the Built Environment - Possibilities and Progress, IBI 15h20 Carbon storing 3D panelings and facades, Made of Air 15h40 Why living facades will conquer - now!, Butong 16h00 Adaptavate 16h20 How biochar can defossilise the building sector, Novocarbo 16h40 Raw earth, a low-carbon solution for the construction of tomorrow, Université Gustave Eiffel
Yosra BRIKIProject manager Regulatory affairs & funding opportunities BETON VICAT
Erwan HamardChercheur - Laboratoire Granulats et Procédés d'Elaboration des Matériaux Université Gustave Eiffel
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There is no doubt that the climate crisis and the recent pandemic place us in front of new sustainable development scenarios that pose some questions on the social and economic development models that we already know.
Biochar, or rather the "biochar system", in association with other innovative techniques, fully responds to these new needs and ICHAR, which has been dedicating all the attention it deserves for years, wants to underline even more such an opportunity.
Today, in fact, as never before, the benefit obtained from the ecosystem service of biochar represents a real opportunity for the entire biochar supply chain, from producers to users, since it is potentially able to produce that boost that we have been waiting for years.
Franco MIGLIETTA Institute of BioEconomy of the Italian National Research Council (IBE-CNR)
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salle/room : Circulaire/Circular
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salle/room : Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas
Introduction Presentation of power-to-methane technology, its challenges and uses – Voltigital The different processes for producing synthetic methane – CEA The Pau’wer-two-gas project: methanation at a wastewater treatment plant – Suez Eau France & Storengy Catalytic methanation of biogenic CO2 – R&D challenges for Fraunofer IMM
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salle/room : Circulaire/Circular
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16h00 Develop the biochar market in France with Carbonloop: a “carbon negative” energy service thanks to the simultaneous production of syngas and biochar used in agriculture, Carbonloop
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salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas
Biomethane production AFGNV: national vision GRDF: macro view Mauges Energy: territorial GEMO or Jolival: vision of committed companies
Network stations - refueling AFGNV: in France GRDF: Great West network Region: their positioning, and the master plan Vendée Energie: operating experience feedback Mauges Energie: La Pommeraye station project. Testimonial from GEMO and Transport Jolival: involvement in the shareholding.
Uses - vehicles AFGNV: numbers Scania: vehicle offer Region: support + retrofit GRDF: regulatory issues on the range of vehicles, and motorization (exchange with Christophe) Conclusion: Local jobs: construction, maintenance.
Closing debate: Jolival and GEMO: what vision of today and tomorrow?
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salle/room : Circulaire/Circular
16h20 Biochar, Greenhouses and Carbon Cascades, Hot Lime Labs 16h40 Community-scale carbon carbon and utilisation systems with biochar production, Ricardo 17h00 Axens’ integrated technologies for CO₂ Capture and Utilisation, Axens 17h20 CO₂ capture technology by membrane contactors modular concept and energy integration (Project: Jupiter 1000), Leroux et Lotz Technologies
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part 1: Lessons from the THREE-C program and current challenges for the biochar industry part 2: Will the biochar sector be able to enroll in the Carbon storage certification process proposed by the European Commission? part 3: How French companies intend to organize themselves in the face of these challenges
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salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass
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salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass
18h00 A short video presentation from the creators of Ice on Fire followed by an opportunity to ask your questions to Mathew Schmid of Tree Media
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In French only: Parcours guidé "mobilité décarbonée avec le bioGNV" avec l'AFGNV: - vous partagerez les enjeux de notre filière pour 2023 lors d'une mini-conférence de 30 mn - puis, équipés d’audioguides, vous partirez à la rencontrer d’acteurs de référence du bioGNV sur leurs stands (à date : BLOCALPS, ENGIE, GALILEO, GRDF, GRTgaz, METHATLANTIQUE, IMING et PRODEVAL), - enfin, vous échangerez avec les constructeurs de véhicules GNV devant leurs véhicules (à date : 1 Tracteur agricole T6 méthane de New Holland, 1 Tracteur routier Scania, R410 GNC, 1 VW Caddy TGI, 1 Daily IVECO GNC)
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Operating a biogas plant: What training, for what skills? What routes to get there?, Jean-François RAIMBAULT
Designing and developing an anaerobic digestion site: What training, for what skills? What routes to get there? How is the DU-MOUM compared to the CS-RUMA? What happened to the internes ? What changes over time?, Etienne HALBIN
Testimonial and feedback from a learner, Antoine RENAUD
Testimonial and feedback from an apprenticeship master, Jean-Luc LEVESQUE
Round Table organised by Biogaz Vallée
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salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas
10h00 Université Rennes 1 10h20 Impact of biogas digestate on the microbial quality of agricultural soils, Novasol expert 10h40 Impact of digestates on soil biological quality, Chambre agriculture Pays de la Loire 11h00 EPL du bas-rhin 11h20 Arvalis 11h40 ACE Méthanisation
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salle/room : Circulaire/Circular
10h00 Introduction, CO₂ Value Europe 10h05 GRDF 10h25 Cosmos CO₂ 10h45 Prodeval 11h05 Capture and recovery of biogenic CO₂ from anaerobic digestion: the solution for decarbonization and biogas optimisation, Verdemobil 11h25 break 11h40 CO₂ : the new raw material for industry, Carbon Works 12h00 SOLARVI "SOLar energy stored by the electrolysis of water between 200 and 300°C and the transformation of carbon dioxide from biomass (vines) and industry, éMA 12h20 What is the potential of CO2 valorisation through biotechnologies? Examples of development, Bioeconomy 4 Change 12h40 Overview on status and ongoing projects for CO2 capture and utilization from biogas plants in Denmark, Ramboll
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salle/room : Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas
Biogas/Biomethane to BioHydrogen plasmalysis / cold methane pyrolysis 10h00 Introduction 10h10 Cold Biomethane Pyrolysis – the answer for Ultra-low carbon Hydrogen, IBBK (de) 10h30 Carbone Negative Hydrogen Production from biomethane, Spark Cleantech (fr) catalytic membrane 10h50 Membrane Reactors for Process Intensification: green hydrogen from biogas in the MACBETH project and beyond, European Lighthouse Catalytic Membrane Reactor (it) 11h10 H2SITE (es) culture de micro-organismes 11h30 Production of bioHydrogen by culture of micro-organisms: Where are we? How to produce it industrially? At what price ? With what economic model?, Athena Recherche
Michele ONGISPh D Candidate CTO of Modelta B V Politecnico di Milano
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Exemplary Case Studies : biochar from woody-residues 10:00 Reverse is the new forward, Syncraft and Bioenergie Frauenfeld 10:25 Pyrocore 10:45 Decarbonisation of industry with biomass, Etia 11:05 Biochar on the farm and small woodland, Woodtek Engineering 11:25 Pause Exemplary Case Studies : biochar from agri-residues 11:40 Biochar's potential in the tropics, Net Zero 12:00 ECHO2: Economic Fuel Gas. Certified Carbon Removal, Rainbow Bee Eater 12:20 Pyrolysis of residues with cost-effective technologies driven by the carbon sequestration market, ARTi 12:40 Carbonization of High Moisture Biowaste including Digestate, Manure, and Biosolids, Biomass Controls PBC
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salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass
10h00 Introduction 10h10 Development and greening of heating networks: what place for wood energy?, CIBE 10h30 Greening a heating network in a dense urban environment - Issues and constraints, Idex Groupe 10h50 Urban heating networks densification and development : the key is the available renewable energy resources, Nantes Metropole 11h10 Climate Neutral District Heating, Pyreg 11h30 Biomass gasification - Keeping residents warm with 100% of their garden waste and district heating, Dall Energy
Cindy MELFORTChargée d études énergies renouvelables - réseaux de chaleur et de froid Cerema
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11h20 Efficient treatment of organic waste and biomass for efficient biogas production, TIETJEN Verfahrenstechnik 11h40 Innovative valve solutions for biogas use, Gemü SAS 12h00 Micro-AD, the solution of agri, agro-industrialists and communities to recover their waste 100% autonomously, VALOGREEN
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salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas
12h00 Introduction, GRDF 12h05 A local solution for the recovery of bio-waste in anaerobic digestion: a first platform in Nantes, De l'Assiette au Champ 12h15 Case Study, Moulinot 12h25 SITTOMI 12h35 The link between local authorities and the agricultural world, Chambre Régionale d'Agriculture Pays de la Loire 12h45 Open to the floor
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14:00 Biochar and vineyards, Vinea Energie 14:15 Biochar - scalability, Démio
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salle/room : Biogaz/Biogas
14h00 High performance, innovative, ecological, and modular patented anaerobic digestion, BioRenGaz 14h20 Accelerating biogas production with bio-inspired digestion technology, Antec Biogas 14h40 Bioelectrochemically assisted anaerobic digestion as one of the key technologies towards decarbonization, Leitat 15h00 Biochar production utilising dried anaerobic digestate as a feedstock, Woodtek Engineering 15h20 DIPNOI BIOGAZ - double gas recovery with reduced consumption and emissions, CH4 Process 15h40 Biogas treatment - a novel solution for simultaneous removal of H2S and Siloxanes, Clairion
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14:00 Mobile Activated carbon filters for a hassle-free biogas cleaning-up, Desotec 14:20 Carbon Finance for Biowaste Management, EKI Energy Services 14:40 Carbon offsetting and the Low Carbon Label: decryption by Carbonapp, Carbonapp
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salle/room : Biomasse/Biomass
14:00 Challenges and opportunities for the pellet sector, Propellet 14:45 Diversification of raw materials, towards agropellets / leafy pellets, RAGT Energie, Sodem, Grasasa, Idex Innovations in pellets 15:45 Highest Efficiency Pellet Production with energy recovery, Swedish Exergy 16:05 Diversifying pellet production feedstock whilst maintaining heating appliance performance, N2AIR 16:25 Local energy cycles: Pellets from recycling, VOE
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salle/room : Circulaire/Circular
14:00 Introduction 14:10 First learnings from BECCS project development in Europe, Carbon Impact 14:30 CO₂ transport & storage – a multi-faceted approach for all emitters, Airfix 14:50 Taking BECCS to the market - are you ready for Net Zero?, Stockholm Exergi 15:10 The role of carbon capture and storage in decarbonising EfW plants 15:30 Unlocking the value of bio-CO2 via GHG removals, Future Biogas
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salle/room : Gaz Renouvelables/Renewable Gas
pyrolysis/gasification/thermolysis 14h00 Hydrogen from waste-to-energy plants: A contribution to decarbonisation and national energy security?, Hitachi Zosen Innova (ch) 14h20 Green hydrogen from non-recyclable waste, Plagazi (se) 14h40 Boson Energy (lu) 15h00 Hydrogen with Benefits – carbon negative clean syngas and biochar from multiple feedstocks, at distributed or centralised scale, Seata Group (au) 15h20 Green Hydrogen from biomass by WoodRoll®, Cortus (se) 15h40 Haffner Energy (fr) 16h00 Gasification project of wood pellets for the production of biohydrogen, S3D 16h20 Waste energy recovery project on the island of Martinique. SRF production unit and production of hydrogen by gasification of this fuel, S3D
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14:40 Scaling biochar in North America - A big win for soil carbon! We review biochar soil application practices. Then highlight friendly US government policies and financial incentives poised to radically transform the biochar industry in America, USBI 15:10 Factors pros and cons the use of biochar/biocoal/biocarbon in North America, GECA Environnement 15:40 Private Sector Investment: Scaling Biochar Through Carbon Credit Streaming (HUSK Case Study), Carbonaires
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16h00 Biochar as a precursor for negative active materials in Batteries, Verkor 16h20 Biochar for energy storage, UNICAM - University of Camerino
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